The Lambda Alpha chapter of Chi Omega is a diverse and inclusive group of women. The chapter strives to maintain academic excellence and philanthropic success while keeping Chi Omega’s six purposes ever at heart. 

quick facts

Nickname: Chi O

Chapter Values: Scholarship, Sisterhood, Campus Activities, Community Service, Social/Career/Personal Development


Philanthropy: Make-A-Wish Foundation

Events: Greek Sing, Golf Classic, Out of the Darkness Walk

minimum gpa

High School GPA (unweighted): 3.2

College GPA: 3.0

financial obligations (By semester)

New Member: $1,205.00

Out of House Active Member: $835.00

In House Active Member: $4,360.00

Social Media

Instagram: @ukchiomega

TikTok: @chiomegauk


A Word From Our President:
Hello my name is Cate Sights!

On behalf of the Lambda Alpha chapter of Chi Omega at the University of Kentucky, welcome! I hope to give you a small glimpse of what makes this chapter home to 297 extraordinary women on campus!

When I was going through recruitment in the fall of 2022, Chi Omega stood out to me specifically because the women were so authentic, fun, and truly cared for what I had to say. Through the short conversations I had and the interactions I watched them have, I could tell these women truly loved each other and were genuinely happy to be talking to me! They seemed so genuine and involved, and I wanted to be just like them! My conversations helped me realize that there were women out there who were just like me. We seemed to share the same values of friendship, personal growth, and service to others. The thought of getting to be around these girls more made me beyond excited to join a sorority!

This chapter continues to exceed any expectation that I could imagine. I am surrounded by a community of women who are involved, ambitious, incredibly well-rounded, and give unwavering support. They pick me up at my lows, and celebrate me at my highs. Your college years are some of the most important, yet challenging, times of your life. These are the girls who will make a bad day turn into a good one, and who you will see when you look back on your most hilarious and significant college times.

As the largest women's fraternal organization in the world, Chi Omega encourages personal development in every single member, fostering a community of excellent and servant-hearted women. Chi Omega truly is a leadership incubator. Becoming chapter president was something that I never expected for myself, but I have never felt more aligned with my purpose than I do now. These women believed in me and saw something in me before I saw it in myself. It is overwhelmingly rewarding leading this group of women who are so considerate and supportive. Chi Omega is also so special because of its diversity. I am able to learn from all different personalities and gain so much perspective. Though our individual pursuits differ, together they showcase the passion of our chapter's women and their commitment to making a difference on campus and in our philanthropy. 

I can confidently say that these have been the best three years of my life! I have witnessed deep and true friendship, strength, and loyalty. Chi Omega lasts far beyond its four college years- and I would go back and choose it again if I could! 

You only choose once, so choose wisely!


Cate Sights

Chi Omega President