Phi Mu offers a sisterhood built on lifelong friendships, empowering our members to lead, grow, and make an impact on our community. With a focus on leadership, service, and academic excellence, Phi Mu is the perfect place to find your best friends, make memories, and be a part of something truly special!
quick facts
Nickname: Phi Mu
Values: Love, Honor, Truth
Philanthropy: Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
Event: Milkshakes for Miracles, Bonnamu, Miracle Gala
minimum gpa
High School GPA (unweighted): 3.0
College GPA: 2.75
New Member: $1,448.00
Out of House Member: $903.50
In House Member Fall and Spring: $5,438.00
Check out their social media
Instagram: @ukphimu
Tik Tok: @ukphimu
A Word From Our President
Going through Primary Recruitment has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my college journey so far. Phi Mu has played a massive role in my self-growth and helped me become a better version of myself. This Chapter has fostered so many relationships and meaningful conversations that have left an impact on my character. For me, being apart of this chapter has always been about being a part of something bigger than myself. I am honored to be this years chapter President, and give back a portion of what this chapter has given me. I’ve found my future bridesmaids and my forever best friends. Phi Mu has given me four amazing roommates who will always pick me up at my lowest and celebrate with me at my highest. It has also given me the best role model I could ask for, my big, who deserves the absolute world, and my three littles who I love with my whole heart. This chapter has become a home for me, not only during my time here at UK but also a home to come back to long after I graduate.
Nikki Linsenbardt
Chapter President